Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting and preserving food products. It ensures the safety and freshness of the contents inside and serves as an essential marketing tool. With the increasing demand for convenient, eco-friendly, and high-quality packaging solutions, Canlid‘s tinplate cans have emerged as the ultimate choice for food packaging.

Tinplate cans: What are they?

Tinplate cans, also known as tin cans or steel cans, are made of thin sheets of steel coated with a layer of tin. This coating provides:

  • A barrier between the steel and the contents inside.
  • Preventing corrosion.
  • Other external factors that could affect the quality and safety of the food.

Tinplate cans are widely used in the food industry for packaging various products, including canned fruits, vegetables, soups, meats, and beverages.

Advantages of Canlid’s tinplate cans

Canlid’s tinplate cans offer several advantages over other types of packaging materials, making them the ideal choice for food manufacturers and consumers alike.

Durability and strength

Canlid’s tinplate cans are highly durable and strong, which ensures the safe transportation and storage of food products. The steel base provides the cans with excellent structural integrity, while the tin coating protects the contents from exposure to air, moisture, and light. This durability and strength also make tinplate cans suitable for stacking and storing, making them an ideal choice for bulk packaging.


Canlid’s tinplate cans are 100% recyclable and can be reused indefinitely without losing their quality or integrity. Recycling tinplate cans reduces waste and conserves natural resources, making them an eco-friendly packaging option. Canlid’s tinplate cans are also lightweight, reducing transportation’s environmental impact and lowering shipping costs.


Canlid’s tinplate cans are versatile and can be customized to meet the unique needs of different food products. They can be shaped into various sizes and shapes, including round, rectangular, and oval. They can be decorated with colorful graphics and labels to enhance the visual appeal of the packaging. Additionally, tinplate cans can be sealed with different types of closures, including easy-open ends and peel-off lids.

Food safety

Canlid’s tinplate cans provide excellent protection against oxygen, light, moisture, and other external factors that could affect the quality and safety of food products. The tin coating prevents the steel from reacting with the contents inside, ensuring that the food remains fresh and uncontaminated. Tinplate cans also offer a high level of tamper evidence, providing an additional layer of protection against food tampering and contamination.


Canlid’s tinplate cans are an affordable and cost-effective packaging solution, especially for bulk packaging. They are relatively cheaper to produce than other types of packaging materials, such as glass or plastic, and offer excellent value for money. Additionally, tinplate cans have a longer shelf life than other packaging materials, reducing the risk of product spoilage and waste.


Canlid’s tinplate cans offer several advantages over other packaging materials, making them the ultimate choice for food packaging needs. They are durable, sustainable, versatile, safe, and cost-effective, providing an ideal solution for food manufacturers and consumers. With their excellent protective properties and customizable design options, Canlid’s tinplate cans ensure that food products remain fresh, safe, and visually appealing, making them an essential part of the food packaging industry.